Bra Care: How and how often to wash your bra
For many women, unfortunately, shopping for new lingerie is not the most enjoyable activity. And especially new bras. Favorite bras are often worn until they almost fall apart. Lingerie experts report that bras last an average of eight months. And that’s only if the bras are also well cared for. After these eight months, bras often stretch to the point where they no longer provide the breasts with the necessary support. The more bras, the more often you change them, the longer your bras will last. Of course, this is a bigger investment, but it does extend the life of your bra.
Buuuutttt, how can you enjoy your favorite bra for as long as possible? In this blog, we’ll give you some tips to extend its lifespan.
Washing lingerie
Many women think that the lifespan of a bra is extended by washing it as little as possible. But nothing could be further from the truth, because you should not wear a bra for more than two days in a row without washing. Why? Shoulder straps and back circumference widen. The elastic fibers stretch under the influence of body heat, sweating and rubbing with the skin. It is better to wash your bra regularly so that the elasticity of the fibers can recover. Your lingerie will then last longer. Wearing your favorite bra once and then storing it for a week is not good either, as sweat can work its way into the material for longer. And sweat is very corrosive.
Machine wash or hand wash
In general, it is better to hand wash your lingerie. But you then have to be careful that the water is not too hot, you do not use too much detergent and whether you use the right detergent. Don’t soak your lingerie for too long and be careful not to wring out the bra too hard. The delicate wash cycle on your washing machine may be the solution for non-preformed bras. Do not use too much detergent and always use a laundry bag.
Do not put contoured bras in the washing machine because of the cups, as the drum can tend to cause bumps and dents in the cups. Be sure not to soak the bra in the water for too long, as the colors will bleed out in multicolored bras. Then rinse, gently squeeze out the water and let dry on a towel. This extends the life of your bra. If you choose to hand wash, be careful. Wring your bra gently so that the elastic fibers are not damaged, you avoid wrinkles and the underwires are not deformed.
After washing comes the drying part. If you want to enjoy your bras for at least eight months, do not put your bras in the dryer. Lingerie cannot tolerate these high temperatures. Colors fade faster, elasticity goes down faster and materials may pill. We therefore recommend drying your lingerie naturally. Preferably lying on a drying rack and not hanging. Because if your bra is still too wet, the material will stretch more as moisture seeps through. It is also not recommended to dry your bras on the stove or in the sun.
Did you learn many new things? Or was this all a piece of cake for you?
As you may have read, there are many things that contribute to the longevity of your favorite bra. Below are the key points once again.
– Wash your white and dark lingerie nothing together.
– Do not use products that are supposed to make your laundry whiter.
– Not too much laundry in your washing machine.
– Wear your lingerie no longer than two days.
– Don’t leave your worn lingerie in your laundry basket for too long.
– Do not soak your lingerie for too long.
– Wash your lingerie with the most delicate wash program.
– Do not wash your lingerie warmer than 30°C.
– Close the back of your bra.
– Use a laundry bag.
– White by white and dark by dark.
– Use little detergent.
– Wear your bras for a maximum of two days in a row.